This weekend, starting Friday at 5pm EST, Order-Track will be upgraded to version 4.0. During this time, Order-Track will be unavailable. This upgrade serves a few key purposes, such as: Security The current version of Order-Track is built on 10-year-old technology that leaves it vulnerable to attack. If the system was attacked, it is unlikely we would be able to plug the hole that was used as none of the software Order-Track is built in is supported anymore, and hasn't been for many years. By rewriting Order-Track, we were able to take advantage of the latest supported versions of the various products Order-Track is built on, which will continue receiving security updates as new vulnerabilities are found. Maintenance & Reliability Similar to security, the legacy software powering Order-Track makes it harder to maintain, especially when it comes to adding new features, and even to keep running. By upgrading, we're better able to make enhancements, and it becomes much easier to ensure Order-Track remains available for many years to come as we don't need to worry about being unable to obtain old enough copies of the software Order-Track runs on to get things working. User Interface The current version of Order-Track was designed & built to be used exclusively on desktop computers. At the time, this made sense as few people were conducting day-to-day business on mobile devices, but in today's world that is changing. The new version was designed from the ground up to be usable on a variety of devices including desktops, tablets, and even smartphones. If you currently sign into Order-Track using an email address, your credentials will be transferred over to version 4.0. If you sign in using a company username, you will need to append to gain access. Please contact PDF Systems if you would like to configure individual user accounts for your employees, which helps limit access should somebody leave your company. It is our goal to ensure all functionality from the current version of Order-Track makes its way into version 4.0, but if you run into a scenario that doesn't work as expected in this new release, please let us know using the blue "Help" button in the lower-right corner of the page.
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